7 06, 2016

Opportunity Nepal: Rebuilding from the ground up

2018-05-31T03:36:55+00:00June 7th, 2016|Comments Off on Opportunity Nepal: Rebuilding from the ground up

Over the past year, Nepal national, and Empowerment WORKS' regional director, Bandita Thapa led disaster relief and locally-led resilience with communities devastated by Nepal's 2015 earthquake (original campaign here). Now, with a focus on resiliency, Bandita and team work to unite a diverse network of local partners to launch 'Catalyst Action Training (CAT)’, a [...]

26 09, 2015

Poaching in Zimbabwe: Poaching the Hidden Costs (local editorial)

2016-07-05T18:22:07+00:00September 26th, 2015|Comments Off on Poaching in Zimbabwe: Poaching the Hidden Costs (local editorial)

Author: Anonymous Zimbabwean national living in Zimbabwe There are few places in the world, which have the blessings of nature in terms of biodiversity. One of them a landlocked country deep in the savannah of southern Africa, called Zimbabwe. With such idyllic scenarios of lush vegetation, abundant wildlife one would [...]

27 10, 2014


2014-10-27T21:08:23+00:00October 27th, 2014|Comments Off on THE GLOBAL SUMMIT™ IV TO FOCUS ON WOMEN: PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE SAN FRANCISCO, CA – October 27, 2014

The fourth edition of The Global Summit will be held in San Francisco, November 16th-18th, with the headline Women, Power, Money, & Politics SAN FRANCISCO, CA - Saturday, October 18th - The Global Summit, the social, economic and environmental forum held every two years, today announced its theme for 2014: [...]

18 09, 2014

Tech Partner Rallyteam Helps Companies Foster And Retain Talent #TechcrunchDisrupt2014

2016-07-05T18:12:25+00:00September 18th, 2014|Comments Off on Tech Partner Rallyteam Helps Companies Foster And Retain Talent #TechcrunchDisrupt2014

What is RallyTeam and why does it matter to The Global Summit? Our supporting partners at RallyTeam have created a leading edge platform for enterprise that enables huge networks to collaborate and track impact.  Using each Summit to identify needs and inform universal impact standards, we are developing an online community support system called 1PIE.org in Beta 2014 as “1PIE.rallyteam.com”. Learn how it works in this TechCrunch review and [...]

9 09, 2014

UK to reveal plans for global climate change talks

2014-09-09T17:45:18+00:00September 9th, 2014|Comments Off on UK to reveal plans for global climate change talks

Last updated on 9 September 2014, 7:46 am Climate change secretary Ed Davey says governments facing ‘pivotal moment’ on dealing with issue By Fiona Harvey, the Guardian World governments are facing a “pivotal moment” on dealing with climate change, the UK’s energy secretary will say on Tuesday, before a meeting of heads of state [...]

12 02, 2014

World Pulse WWW: Women Weave the Web presents $20,000 Lynn Syms Prize Due 3/31

2016-07-05T18:31:31+00:00February 12th, 2014|Comments Off on World Pulse WWW: Women Weave the Web presents $20,000 Lynn Syms Prize Due 3/31

World Pulse's Digital Action Campaigns bring together powerful grassroots women leaders who are generating vital changes on the ground. By providing key resources and tools to our community, we can support the empowerment of exceptional women creating positive change.

10 06, 2013

First Crowdsourced Water Quality Website Launches

2013-06-10T22:06:57+00:00June 10th, 2013|Comments Off on First Crowdsourced Water Quality Website Launches

In looking out for the leading edge of local citizen-driven platforms, The Global Summit was introduced to Jeff "the water guy". whose team just launched www.RateMyWaterQuality.com We're pleased to share Jeff's article celebrating this platform's long awaited debut. Enjoy, and Rate Your Water!

26 02, 2013

TGS Co-founder, Jenny Huang expands whole system in ICT

2013-02-26T04:08:28+00:00February 26th, 2013|Comments Off on TGS Co-founder, Jenny Huang expands whole system in ICT

The Global Summit Co-Founder, Jenny Huang, founder of iFOSSF (International Free and Open Source Solutions Foundation) advances the SEED Framework and evolving concept as pre-conference symposium July 23 in 7TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DIGITAL ECOSYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES, July 24-26, 2013

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