Framework for Action


collaboration + measurable results 365 days a year

7 Stages to Sustainability (7SS) is a universal road-map empowering cross-sector Partners in Empowerment (PIE) to build thriving communities from the ground up. Through 7SS, The Global Summit creates the conditions, community, and a shared language for collaboration around the year.

Using local assets to meet local needs, 7 Stages to Sustainability (7SS) provides a catalytic engine to achieve cross-sector, whole-system solutions. Across the Impact Games and beyond, 7SS provides a framework to organize skills-based workshops, and interactive dialogues to move ideas into action.

Internal Actions

1. Build a Team
2. Assess Local Assets
3. Set Measurable Objectives

Partner Inputs & Outcomes

4. Skills. Educate Yourself & Others
5. Tech. Exchange, Transfer & Build
6. Take it to Market. Value local heritage.

Collective Results

7. Deepen Impact, Give Back, & Sustain Synergy.

7 Stages to Sustainability

“I think that within these steps just about everything that has to be done is included. The first 3 steps are significantly internal actions – drawing up the blueprint. The next three are what you’re going to get accomplished through your partnerships. Stage 7 is the culmination – a critical joint effort.”

– Arthur H. Purcell, Ph.D., Educator specializing in natural resource solutions, former consultant to the UN Economic Commission for Europe.

Digging Deeper

Stage 1
Build a team with an eye on your ideal future. Engage Partners In Empowerment™ (PIE) – citizens, organizations, and businesses dedicated to improving human and environmental security. UNDERSTAND: “How to” find the Ideal Partners, Discover a Common Vision, Self Empowerment, Community Engagement, Participatory Community Development, Leadership, etc.

Stage 2
Assess your Assets. Identify sustainable human and natural resources that can be developed to create economic opportunities. KNOW: Local Resource & Asset Management, Self-esteem building, Financial Planning, Resources Exchanges, Currency Systems, etc.

Stage 3
Co-Create a Plan. Outline community needs, measurable goals and actions with your team. LEARN: Project Development, Evaluation/ How to Measure Results, Needs-Assessments, Strategic Planning, Time Management, etc.

Stage 4
Educate Yourself & Learn from Others. Get the skills you need to get the job done. Support capacity building in project management via vocational skill development and technical training.  LEARN: Forums to Exchange skills, experiences and ideas, inspire & support multidisciplinary solutions for your ideal future. Basic training in collaboration & communication techniques, etc.

Stage 5
Exchange, transfer & invest in appropriate technologies & critical information in health, energy,  transportation, construction, agriculture, water, communications, education, + to add value to your inherent strengths. Integrate & Build. DISCOVER: Appropriate Technology 101, Urban Planning, Green Building & Design, technology transfer, banking & investment, ICT for community impact and more!  How to protect your intellectual property, etc.

Stage 6
Increase access to local & global markets and assist development of products and services that value and protect local heritage. Expand what WORKS.  KNOW:  Fair Trade & Corporate Social Responsibility Standards,  Product Supply Chains, Social and Environmental Impact, Branding, Marketing/ Communications, “How to” find your Market Niche, Attracting & Keeping Conscious Customers, Corporate Ethics/Social Responsibility, etc. “How to pitch your idea, promote yourself, etc.”

Stage 7
Deepen Impact & Self-Reliance. Create Triple Bottom Line Public-Private Partnerships. LEARNINGS: “How to” Create Multi-sector / Public-Private Partnerships & Win-Win-Win Economic Systems; Sustainable Cities; Innovative Social Businesses modeling Ecosystems, i.e. Bio-mimicry, Fractal, Complex and Emergent Systems, etc.

The Impact

We are looking for Sustainable Results. How do we know we have them?

Local Communities are socially empowered and economically integrated in the global community. Dependence on foreign partners is reduced & social benefits increase. It benefits non-profits in reducing duplication through locally-led collaboration strategies.

Emphasizing in-kind resources and use of what stakeholders have, it is not dependent on funding to create solutions.