Four Fertile Cross-sector Solution Tracks

Each of the below Intersections begins with a dialogue Monday after lunch, and supports collaboration in 4 sessions, throughout Monday and Tuesday.

Through the lens of WOMEN, POWER, MONEY & POLITICS, in two days of bridge-building, interactive, solution sessions, we’ll unite genius, energy and action to move your work and our movement forward around:

FEMINOMICS: Currency, High Impact Investment, & Leadership  

  • Co-create economics that work for all – from Nano Finance to Fortune500s.  Explore how the intersection of women’s leadership, feminine values, alternative currencies, new business models and high impact investing can inform a new economy.  Connect and share practices, technology and tools to move us toward a vision of a just and flourishing world.  *Team Leader, Rani Croager / Co-Chair, Tanya Monsef Bunger  / Facilitator: Erin Ross 

LIVING WELL: Evolving Food, Health & Lifestyles 

  • What does it take to live well? What does it take to be healthy? Health of our own bodies & minds deeply impacts and is impacted by the health of those around us, the plants and animals, the health of society, and our connection to the divine. We are in constant relationship with ourselves and everything around us, so in order for true health on all levels, we need a holistic intervention: one that covers everything from sourcing real food to cultivating health & vitality to empowered living.  *Team Leader, Melanie Bielefeld / Co-Chair, Kat Steele / Facilitator: Alexis Slutsky

BUILDING PEACE: Water, Conflict, Climate & People of Place

  • As global climate and ecological crises lead to increased tensions, we need to understand the root causes of conflict.  How does growing economic and environmental resource disparity – and the impacts of climate change affect the most vulnerable?  How can those with economic and political power shape global policies in partnership with those, who are vulnerable and build peace with our planet and each other? How will WE co-create our thriving future to build true human security from the ground up, explore, exchange and accelerate whole-system solutions from bio-diversity conservation to global peace.  * Co-Chairs: Pushpa Iyer, Warren Brush /Team Leaders: Rucha Chitnis & Emily Amburgey / Facilitator: Jamaica Stevens

BEYOND POLITICS: Governance 2.0 for the 21st Century

  • Fed up with the Status Quo? Ready for a whole system redesign?  Overcoming geographical, legal, and ideological boundaries; Beyond Politics spans Business, Governmental, Policy Making Systems, Processes & Technology!  From the workplace to the community kitchen to the State Department, explore whole system governance models, tools & technologies to increase transparency, unlock human potential, ignite purpose and deepen daily joy. * Co-Chairs: Joan Blades, Bill Shireman / Team Leaders: Rebecca Boyles, Fedor Ovchinnikov / Facilitator: Tatiana Vekovischeva

How it WORKS:  Using 7 Stages to Sustainability (7SS) as a framework for action, cross-sector delegates unite, exchange breakthrough technologies, and mutually advance – tangible, immediate – and – longer-term, critical mass – solutions.

How can WE be greater than the sum of our parts?

Be a part of this year’s powerful initiative and discussions!
